Master of Tourism Discourse of Udayana University is the first study program in the field of independent tourism in Indonesia. It was founded in 2001, legitimized by the decree of Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education Number 1917/D/T/2001 of June 7th of 2001. The accreditation level of this study program is A level. It is valid until May 16th, 2017 (Decree of National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number 002/BAN-PT/Ak-X/S2/V/2012).
In Udayana University, the presence of Master of Tourism Discourse is fairly strategic. It also participated in the legitimacy of the Diploma IV of Tourism Program in Udayana University to be a Faculty in 2008, and later to be a foundation of the education program of Doctor of Tourism in 2010. Thus, Udayana University has the Tourism Degree completely from the undergraduate program until the doctoral program.
Udayana University also has a Research Center of Culture and Tourism (Puslitbudpar) and since 2013 the University founded a Tourism Research Consortium (KRP) which is guided by the Ministry of Research and Technology (now becomes Menristek Dikti / Ministry of Research and Technology of DIKTI). With these tourism programs, research center and the consortium, Udayana University is able to contribute in preparing the Human Resources in the tourism development more optimal, especially in Bali, and Indonesia in general.
Become an Educational Institution of Tourism Sciences which is able to produce the excellent, independent and cultured alumni.
- To produce alumni who have an academic ability in teaching and developing the tourism sciences.
- To produce alumni who have an academic ability in research and dissemination of the research results in tourism.
- To produce alumni who have a professional ability in the dedication to the society for the development of tourism industry.
Jabatan : Koordinator Program Studi
NIP : 196511041993032001
Nama Pejabat : Dr. Ir. I Gusti Ayu Oka Suryawardani, M.Mgt., Ph.D.
Periode Awal : 2018-01-01
Periode Akhir : 2022-01-01
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Address : Gedung Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana R. 1.19 Jalan P.B. Sudiman, Denpasar 80232
Telephone : 0361-229079 or 0361-255342
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